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Nombay Pty Ltd trading as Advanced Industry Training RTO #5363 

Advanced Industry Training (AIT) is committed to the provision of quality training at reasonable cost. As a training provider, the viability of Advanced Industry Training is dependent upon the support of participants. Consequently, all aspects of company policy have been designed to serve the best interest of the participants and comply with the national Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTO). In particular, Advanced Industry Training will comply with the following minimum requirements:

Minimum Requirements:

Participants are requested to advise AIT if they require assistance with the Language, Literacy or Numeracy requirements of a course.

An LLN Assessment may be required as part of the enrolment process. Support strategies will be implemented for participants requiring additional support. Advanced Industry Training is committed to the development and delivery of training programs of a high professional standard that will provide participants with training they can use in the workplace. AIT will ensure that all requests for assistance will be actioned where reasonably practicable.

Reasonable adjustment will be made where possible for students with a learning challenge to ensure that participants are not presented with barriers to learning. There may be some instances where regulatory requirements prevent AIT from providing reasonable adjustments, especially high-risk licence courses.

AIT is committed to providing all course participants with equitable opportunities to pursue their training and development. We are committed to promoting diversity and equity by creating an inclusive environment by removing barriers to participation, providing support and assistance to learners and ensuring that the training environment is free from discrimination, harassment, prejudice and offensive behaviour.

All participants will be treated courteously, fairly and equitably throughout enquiry, enrolment and participation in training. Any complaints will be handled as efficiently and as possible as per our policies and procedures.

Entry requirements to courses are clearly outlined during the enrolment process and clearly explained to all participants allowing potential students to be well informed in selection of their training. Where possible, according to regulatory requirements, AIT will make appropriate concessions for language, literacy and numeracy issues of students where these concessions do not compromise the requirements of the relevant training package and the integrity, equity and fairness of the assessment.

Advanced Industry Training (AIT), acts in accordance with the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) as issued by the federal training regulator. All enrolment procedures are based on the Standards. Participants are required to provide certain information at time of enrolment that will inform the RTO as to their suitability to undertake a particular course. The information provided by participants is treated with utmost confidentiality and AIT complies with the Privacy Act and Privacy Principles at all times.

Participants enrolling onto a course will be provided with details of the course, cost, enrolment requirements, pre-requisites, what to bring, LLN requirements, and other requirements via the enrolment form. In some circumstances, the enrolment information will be provided by email or by phone. All enrolment forms, including web-based online enrolments provide the information about the courses.

Further, participants should be aware that there are mandatory requirements for notifying state or other regulatory bodies for high-risk work licence, HSR and white card course assessments and AIT may be requesting additional information to meet the mandatory notification requirements. This includes provision of a contact phone number and email address.

Attendance on a course is not confirmed until the enrolment form (or similar) has been received by the RTO. AIT will acknowledge receipt of the enrolment form (or other enrolment advice) and confirm enrolment by email. Enrolments via online system through AIT website is preferred.

As course numbers are limited for most courses, AIT is not able to accept walk-in enrolments that have not provided enrolment details prior to the commencement of the course. Where possible, walk-ins with no prior booking, will be accommodated provided there is sufficient room available on the course.  This cannot be guaranteed, and participants may be requested to enrol on to the next available course.

From time-to-time, there may be instances where a participant is deemed not yet competent at assessment and be required to be re-assessed for competency. Where this is the case, AIT will liaise with the participant to schedule the re-assessment.

Re-assessments are charged at half the full course fee and are payable at the time of re-assessment unless arrangements have been made with the Business Manager to change the payment terms.

Participants are allowed 2 assessment attempts (being the original assessment and 1 re-assessment). If the participant is found not yet competent at re-assessment, AIT will discuss training options with the participant prior to booking additional training.  The participant may be excluded from the training if they will not be able to meet the competency requirements of the training.

AIT complies with the requirements of the Standards for Registered Training Organisations in respect to assessing a request for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). There are some units of competency where RPL is not applicable as per regulatory body requirements. RPL is not available on TLILIC001 Licence to transport dangerous goods by road. RPL is also not available on the assessment for any high-risk work licence unit of competency.


Participants applying for RPL will be required to provide evidence of experience/skill to meet the RPL guidelines. Participants will be asked to provide current, sufficient and valid evidence such as previous licence (if applicable), currency of experience/skill and employment references relating to experience. Participants applying for RPL must also complete the AIT RPL kit and pay the relevant fee before the RPL can be reviewed by an appropriate Assessor.


Participants will be advised of any fees involved when making application for RPL.  Fees are non-refundable.

If any RPL application is rejected by an Assessor, participants will be advised and provided the opportunity to attend a full course to obtain the relevant competency.

AIT acknowledges and supports Mutual Recognition (Credit Transfer) as one of the most important features of the Australian Quality Training Framework. We will recognise the Qualifications/Statements of Attainment issued by any other registered training organisation located within Australia once they have been authenticated and reviewed, subject to regulatory requirements. Students applying for Credit Transfer, must be able to supply the previously issued Statement of Attainment (SOA) or qualification and complete an AIT request form.


Should the RTO that issued the SOA or qualification originally no longer be trading, AIT is unable to provide credit transfer as the SOA/qualification cannot be verified or authenticated. There may be some instances where Credit Transfer is not appropriate due to regulatory requirements. AIT will advise students at time of enquiry if this is the case.


Where participants wish to upgrade a previously held competency to the current competency, participants may be asked to supply evidence of currency of skills and experience in the competency. For example, participants may be requested to supply documentation from an employer detailing current relevant work experience and skills. Where currency for the competency is not proven, participants may be requested to complete the full course for that competency. Further, where participants have commenced training with another RTO and wish to transfer to Advanced Industry Training to complete the competency/qualification, participants will be required to provide certain evidence of the training provided by the other RTO. At a minimum, participants will be required to provide evidence of any formal training undertaken, logbooks with current experience recorded and may have to undertake a challenge test.


For units of competency (UoC) that have been superseded by a non-equivalent unit, AIT will prepare a mapping document to ascertain if the requirements of the current UoC meet the requirements of the superseded unit. If the new unit cannot be mapped, the student will be advised that a Credit Transfer is unable to be provided.

Payment of course fees is required within 7 days of completion of each course. In some circumstances, the Business Manager may approve payment of course fees after 7 days.

Participants should be aware that the Standards for Registered Training Organisations provides that an RTO has 30 days from receipt of course fees to issue Statements of Attainment/Qualifications. AIT will not issue any training outcomes to participants until all course fees have been paid unless otherwise agreed with the AIT Business Manager.

AIT recognises that where course fees are paid for by an employer or other agency, fees will be paid according to their business terms of trade.

Advanced Industry Training prefers payment through EFT or eftpos. Payments can be made at the office or by phone using a credit/debit card. Cheques are no longer accepted for payments. AIT does not accept AMEX or Diners Club cards.


The pricing for training is influenced by market forces. Consequently, course prices may vary from time to time. Costs of courses will be advised to participants prior to their enrolment or through a quotation or by using the enrolment form. Extra fees such as regulatory application fees are the responsibility of the participant and not AIT.

Group discounts of 10% per participant per course may be offered where a confirmed enrolment of at least 5 participants from the same customer is received by AIT (White Card courses excluded). Where possible and appropriate, AIT will offer a 10% discount to Australian Defence Force members. 

Where a group booking is made and a group discount is approved, the customer will be charged for all participants at the time of enrolment at the discounted rate even if the final number of participants reduces.

All written quotes from AIT are firm for 30 Days. In our efforts to ensure reasonable pricing, AIT will match any written quote from other RTOs if that written quote is verified and indicates a lower course fee.

From time to time, it may be appropriate for the RTO to offer a per course or per day rate for training, especially where there are large numbers of participants. The Business Manager will approve a per course or per day rate of training and advise of such in a quotation.

In exceptional circumstances, AIT may enter into a payment plan for course fees exceeding $500. In these cases, 50% of the course fee is payable upon enrolment and the remaining 50% of the course is due by the end of the month following the course date. A Statement of Attainment or Qualification will not be issued until all fees have been paid.

Cancellation policy 

By submitting an enrolment form, funding application or online enrolment to AIT, participants are committing to attending the training they have enrolled in and paying the associated course fee. This also includes where participants are enrolled by employers or other agencies that are responsible for payment of course fees.


AIT requires a minimum 2 business days’ notice of cancellation or transfer of enrolment. If this notice is not received, full course fees are applicable and must be paid within the 7-day payment terms on the invoice.

Cancellation requests can be emailed to during business hours or they can be phoned through by contacting 074755 4222 between 07.00am and 6pm any day.


Where course fees are paid in advance, please refer to our refund policy.

No-Show fees

As there is a restriction on the number of participants that can be accepted to each course, any no-show without notice results in that spot on the course not being able to be filled and a reduction in revenue for the RTO. Where AIT receives an enrolment, Purchase Order or other such commitment to attend training and the participant does not attend and no notice of non-attendance is provided at least 2 business days prior to the course, full course fees are payable. 

Special Courses

There are courses which involve the use of specialised equipment. Such courses will be identified at the time of enrolment and offered on a cost-plus basis. The equipment hire for these courses will be passed onto participants or their employers. The additional costs will be advised to the participant prior to enrolment.

AIT may from time-to-time request participants to provide the plant/equipment required for training if this plant/equipment is not available at the AIT site or cannot be hired in. Where this is the case, AIT will look to changing course fees accordingly where appropriate.


Where the training is taking place outside of Townsville QLD, travel and accommodation fees may be applied. These fees will be made clear prior to scheduling of the course. Refer to the AIT Schedule of Rates – Travel Expenses available from the AIT Office.

Weekend Course

AIT recognises that not all participants can attend training during the working week. At times, weekend courses or after hours courses will be scheduled to meet participant demand. The minimum number of participants per course for weekend courses to take place is 2. Weekend and after hours course fees will attract a 20% surcharge, unless otherwise advised.


Replacement Statements

Where a replacement Statement of Attainment or Qualification is requested by students, the replacements will be emailed only to the course participants. Hard copies will not be posted unless requested by the student and the relevant fee is paid. Email copies will be provided free of charge.

A replacement issue fee of $11.00 per statement/card is applicable and may be charged for reprints of statements or RTO cards. The Business Manager may waive this fee on request from the participant. The replacement fee must be paid prior to the release of the reprinted statement/card.

Replacement SOAs or qualifications will not be issued to any person other than the student. If a 3rd party requests copies of SOAs/qualifications, they will need to obtain the student’s consent by requesting a 3rd party release form to be completed and emailed to AIT.



Funded courses

Not all course fees are fully funded through funding bodies such as Construction Skills Queensland (CSQ). AIT office has more information and funding application forms. Where there are out of pocket expenses after funding has been applied, all participants are responsible for ensuring the out-of-pocket expenses are paid on completion of the course.

Funding through CSQ is extremely limited. If funding has been used for the year, the office staff will advise participants prior to enrolment and advise of the full course fee. Where appropriate, participant details will be added to a wait list for the next CSQ year.

If funding is not approved for any reason, all participants (or their employer or other agency) must pay all course fees as per the declaration on application form.

Whilst not all fees are payable prior to commencement of the course, some students may wish to pay beforehand. Should a participant/employer wish to cancel enrolment prior to the commencement date of a course, a minimum of 2 business days’ notice is required.  A full refund will be provided if the minimum cancellation period is adhered to.


Fees paid in advance can also be held in credit for later use should the participant wish to attend a future course. Should AIT cancel or discontinue a course prior to commencement for any reason, all affected participants will be entitled to an option of refund or transfer into a future course.


Participants requesting a refund will be required to complete a Refund Form and indicate a bank account for the refunded amount to be paid to. Once the refund has been approved, AIT will pay the refund to the nominated bank account within 3 business days.


Once a course has commenced, should the training need to stop because of unforeseen circumstances, e.g. inclement weather, participants will automatically be transferred to the next available course and advised accordingly.


By signing the Enrolment form, CSQ form or other similar enrolment document, the participant/employer is declaring their agreement with the Terms and Conditions, including Refund Policy as set out above.

Unless otherwise agreed to, AIT will pay invoices from suppliers within 14 days of receipt of the invoice. Where AIT has an account with a supplier with longer payment terms, AIT will ensure that payment is made by the due date on the invoice.

Payment terms for payments to AIT is strictly on completion of the training program or within 7 days of the issue of an invoice unless otherwise agreed to with AIT.

All personal information will be treated as strictly confidential and only disclosed to regulatory bodies as required. Participant information will not be disseminated to any other organisation other than a body that governs training requirements. By undertaking the training, the participant consents to providing personal information for the purposes of identification to enable issuance of training competencies achieved. AIT will only record personal information required under the ASQA Standards for RTOs.

Participants may opt to enable AIT to provide copies of their Statements of Attainment or Qualifications to employers or other persons by completing a Third-Party Release form. Where an employer or other organisation is paying the course fees, AIT assumes consent is provided to provide copies of Statements/Qualifications to that organisation.

Complaints will be resolved in an equitable and timely manner either internally or by referral to external mediation.

Specific Procedures

  1. Complaints should be directed to AIT, Business Manager either in writing or verbally.
  2. Business Manager will respond to the complainant advising timeframe for resolution of the complaint. It is our aim to resolve all complaints within 28 days.
  3. If still dissatisfied, complainant is to inform the Managing Director of Advanced Industry Training in writing.
  4. Managing Director will review the complaint and respond within 28 days.
  5. If external mediation is required to resolve the complaint, the complainant will be advised of any cost involved prior to the complaint being referred externally.


Appeals against any decisions made by AIT will be processed as follows:

  1. Each appeal and its outcome are to be recorded in writing.
  2. Each appeal is heard by an independent person or panel.
  3. Each appellant has the opportunity to formally present their case.
  4. Each appellant is given a written statement of the appeal outcomes, including reasons for the decision.

Participants are expected to behave in a manner which is courteous, safe and not disruptive within training and assessment activities conducted by Advanced Industry Training.

All participants are expected to:

  • Conduct themselves in a lawful, ethical, safe and responsible manner that recognises and respects rights and views of others;
  • Ensure they are not under the influence of any illicit substance, including alcohol when attending training (classroom or practical);
  • Advise trainers if they are taking prescription medication that may affect their ability to operate machinery;
  • Participate actively in training courses and not purposely disrupt the courses in progress;
  • Act in a manner that is not aggressive, demeaning, disrespectful or offensive to other participants, trainers/assessors, staff or visitors to AIT;
  • Demonstrate respect for themselves, other participants, trainers/assessors, staff and other visitors;
  • Take responsibility for their own behaviour and learning;
  • Cooperate with trainers/assessors and other staff and comply with lawful directions given to them;
  • Abide by Workplace Health and Safety legislation, policy and procedure at all times and not behave in a way that endangers themselves or others;
  • Advise RTO staff of any unacceptable conduct, for example but not limited to, bulling/harassment while they are at training;
  • Advise RTO staff of any behaviour or actions that could be considered unsafe or potentially harmful;
  • Advise the RTO of any support services they may need that they are aware of before they come to training.

AIT staff, trainers and assessors are expected to:

  • Conduct themselves in a lawful, ethical, safe and responsible manner that recognises and respects rights and views of others;
  • Ensure consistency and fairness to all participants when providing training and assessment services;
  • Always represent AIT in a professional capacity ensuring the reputation of AIT is upheld at all times;
  • Provide the services advertised to the prospective participants in accordance with all regulatory requirements;
  • Act in a manner that is not aggressive, demeaning, disrespectful or offensive to participants, trainers/assessors, staff or visitors to AIT;
  • Abide by Workplace Health and Safety legislation, policy and procedure at all times and not behave in a way that endangers themselves or others;
  • Communicate with participants appropriately manage unacceptable behaviour and/or unsafe practices;
  • Assist students with any support services required before and during training;

Participant behaviour that does not comply with the expected standards listed above is not acceptable. Trainers/assessors and/or staff will provide one verbal (1) warning to the participant about unacceptable behaviour and the participant will be asked to immediately modify their behaviour. Should unacceptable behaviour continue, the participant will be asked to leave the course, and their enrolment will be cancelled.

Where the unacceptable behaviour involves serious behaviour (for example a dangerous act or physical harm), appropriate action will be taken by the trainer/assessor or other staff. This could include informing Police and/or immediate cancellation of enrolment with participant being asked to leave the premises and refused further enrolment.

Fee Structure:

Training pricing is influenced by market forces.  Consequently, course prices may vary from time to time. Costs of courses will be advised to participants prior to their enrolment or through a quotation or by using the enrolment form.  Extra fees such as regulatory application fees are the responsibility of the participant and not AIT.

Group discounts of 10% per participant per course may be offered where a confirmed enrolment of at least 5 participants from the same customer is received by AIT (White Card courses excluded). Where possible/appropriate AIT will offer a 10% discount to Australian Defence Force members.


Where a group booking is made and a group discount is approved, the customer will be charged for all participants at the time of enrolment at the discounted rate even if the final number of participants reduces.


All written quotes from AIT are Firm for 30 Days. In our efforts to follow our motto of reasonable pricing, AIT will match any written quote from other RTOs if that written quote is verified and indicates a lower course fee.


From time to time, it may be appropriate for the RTO to offer a per course or per day rate for training, especially where there are large numbers of participants.  The Business Manager will approve a per course or per day rate of training and advise of such in a quotation.

In exceptional circumstances, AIT may enter into a training plan for course fees exceeding $500.  In these cases, 50% of the course fee is to be paid at attendance of the course and the remaining 50% of the course is due by the end of the month following the course date.

There are courses which involve the use of specialised equipment.  Such courses will be identified at the time of enrolment and offered on a cost-plus basis. The equipment hire for these courses will be passed onto participants or their employers.  The additional costs will be advised to the participant prior to enrolment.

Where the training is taking place outside of Townsville QLD, Travel and Accommodation fees may be applied. These fees will be made clear prior to enrolment.  Refer to the AIT Schedule of Rates – Travel Expenses.

AIT recognises that not all participants can attend training during the working week. At times, weekend courses will be scheduled to meet participant demand.  The minimum number of participants per course for weekend courses to take place is 2. Weekend course fees will attract a 20% surcharge, unless otherwise advised.

A replacement issue fee of $25.00 per statement/card is applicable and may be charged for reprints of statements or identification cards. The Business Manager may waive this fee on request from the participant.  The replacement fee must be paid prior to the release of the reprinted statement/card.

Not all course fees are fully funded through funding bodies such as Construction Skills Queensland (CSQ). AIT office has more information and funding application forms. Where there are out of pocket expenses after funding has been applied, all participants are responsible for ensuring the out of pocket expenses are paid on completion of the course.

Funding through CSQ is extremely limited. If funding has been used for the year, the office staff will advise participants prior to enrolment and advise of the full course fee. Where appropriate, participant details will be added to a wait list for the next CSQ year.

If funding is not approved for any reason, all participants (or their employer or other agency) must pay all course fees as per the declaration on application form.